Wednesday 10 October 2007

James Remar (31st December 1953)

56. The Unborn (2009) (post-production) .... Gordon Beldon
55. TransBeMan (2008) (post-production) .... Tom Mortlake
54. Pineapple Express (2008) .... General Brat
53. Endless Bummer (2008) .... Sam Kramer
52. Ratatouille (2007) (voice) .... Larousse
51. Blade: Trinity (2004) .... Ray Cumberland
50. The Girl Next Door (2004) .... Hugo Posh
49. Duplex (2003) .... Chick
48. 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003) .... Agent Markham
47. Betrayal (2003) .... Alex Tyler
46. Fear X (2003) .... Peter
45. Down with the Joneses (2003) .... Vic
44. Dying on the Edge (2001) .... Jackie James
43. What Lies Beneath (2000) .... Warren Feur
42. Blowback (2000) .... John Matthew Whitman/Schmidt
41. Double Frame (2000)
40. Guardian (2000) .... Detective Carpenter
39. Rites of Passage (1999) .... Frank Dabbo
38. Born Bad (1999) .... Sheriff Larabee
37. Psycho (1998) .... Patrolman
36. Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997) .... Lord Rayden
35. The Phantom (1996) .... Quill
34. The Quest (1996) .... Maxie Devine
33. Robo Warriors (1996) .... Ray Gibson
32. One Good Turn (1996) .... Simon Jury
31. Wild Bill (1995) .... Donnie Lonigan
30. Judge Dredd (1995) (uncredited) .... Block warlord
29. Across the Moon (1995) .... Rattlesnake Jim
28. Boys on the Side (1995) .... Alex
27. Exquisite Tenderness (1995) .... Dr. Benjamin Hendricks
26. Miracle on 34th Street (1994) .... Jack Duff
25. Renaissance Man (1994) .... Captain Tom Murdoch
24. The Tigress (1994) .... Andrei
23. Blink (1994) .... Thomas Ridgely
22. Confessions of a Hitman (1994) .... Bruno Serrano
21. Fatal Instinct (1993) .... Max Shady
20. Wedlock (1991) .... Sam
19. White Fang (1991) .... Beauty Smith
18. Strangers (1991) .... Bernard
17. Tales from the Darkside: The Movie (1990) .... Preston (segment "Lover's Vow")
16. Drugstore Cowboy (1989) .... Gentry
15. Silence Like Glass (1989) .... Charly
14. The Dream Team (1989) .... Gianelli
13. Rent-a-Cop (1987) .... Dancer
12. Quiet Cool (1986) .... Joe Dylanne
11. Band of the Hand (1986) .... Nestor
10. The Clan of the Cave Bear (1986) .... Creb
09. The Cotton Club (1984) .... Dutch Schultz
08. 48 Hrs. (1982) .... Albert Ganz
07. Partners (1982) .... Edward K. Petersen
06. The Long Riders (1980) .... Sam Starr
05. Cruising (1980) .... Gregory
04. Windwalker (1980) .... Windwalker as a young man
03. The Warriors (1979) .... Ajax
02. Blond Poison (1979)
01. On the Yard (1978) .... Larson

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