Monday 1 October 2007

Malcolm McDowell (13th June 1943)

89. Vivaldi (2008) (pre-production) .... Merlino
88. Delgo (2007) (post-production) (voice) .... Raius
87. Doomsday (2007) (post-production) .... Kane
86. Halloween (2007) .... Dr. Samuel Loomis
85. Exitz (2007) .... Percy
84. The List (2007) .... Desmond Larochette
83. Bye Bye Benjamin (2006) .... Mr. Coleman
82. Cut Off (2006) .... James Burton
81. Mirror Wars: Reflection One (2005) .... Murdock
80. Dinotopia: Quest for the Ruby Sunstone (2005) (voice) .... Ogthar
79. Rag Tale (2005) .... Richard Morton
78. In Good Company (2004) (uncredited) .... Teddy K - Globecom CEO
77. Pinocchio 3000 (2004) (voice) .... Scamboli
76. Tempesta (2004) .... Paul Valenzin
75. Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius (2004) .... O.B. Keeler
74. Evilenko (2004) .... Andrej Romanovic Evilenko
73. Hidalgo (2004) (uncredited) .... Major Davenport
72. Champions of Norrath: Realms of EverQuest (2004) (VG) (voice)
71. Red Roses and Petrol (2003) .... Enda Doyle
70. The Company (2003) .... Alberto Antonelli
69. Tempo (2003) .... Walter Shrenger
68. I'll Sleep When I'm Dead (2003) .... Boad
67. I-Spy (2002) .... Arnold Gundars
66. Between Strangers (2002) .... Alan Baxter
65. Just Visiting (2001) .... The Wizard
64. Dorian (2001) .... Henry
63. The Barber (2001) .... Dexter Miles
62. Gangster No. 1 (2000) .... Gangster 55
61. Terminal Countdown (1999) .... Seward
60. My Life So Far (1999) .... Uncle Morris MacIntosh
59. Love Lies Bleeding (1999) .... Malcolm Mead
58. Southern Cross (1999) .... Felipe Solano
57. The First 9 1/2 Weeks (1998) .... Francois Dubois
56. Fatal Pursuit (1998) .... Bechtel
55. The Gardener (1998) .... Ben Carter
54. The Fairy King of Ar (1998) .... Ian
53. Mr. Magoo (1997) .... Austin Cloquet
52. Pool Girl (1997) .... Henry Dugay
51. Asylum (1997) .... Sullivan Rane/Doc
50. The Big Brass Ring (1997) (uncredited) .... Kim Mennaker
49. 2103: The Deadly Wake (1997) .... AKA Captain Sean Murdoch
48. Ringer (1996) .... Noel
47. Where Truth Lies (1996) .... Dr. Vernon Renquist
46. Fist of the North Star (1995) .... Ryuken
45. Tank Girl (1995) .... Kesslee
44. Exquisite Tenderness (1995) .... Dr. Stein
43. Kids of the Round Table (1995) .... Merlin
42. Sharks of the Red Triangle (1995) .... Narrator
41. Star Trek: Generations (1994) .... Dr. Tolian Soran
40. Cyborg 3: The Creation (1994) .... Lord Talon
39. Milk Money (1994) .... Waltzer
38. Dangerous Indiscretion (1994) .... Roger Everett
37. In the Eye of the Snake (1994) .... Professor Baldwin
36. Bopha! (1993) .... De Villiers
35. Happily Ever After (1993) (voice) .... Lord Malice
34. East Wind (1993) .... General Smyslowosky
33. Night Train to Venice (1993) .... Stranger
32. Chain of Desire (1992) .... Hubert Bailey
31. Tsareubiytsa (1991) .... Timofeyev/Yurovsky
30. Class of 1999 (1990) .... Doctor Miles Longford
29. Moon 44 (1990) .... Major Lee
28. Jezebel's Kiss (1990) .... Benjamin J. Faberson
27. Disturbed (1990) .... Dr. Derrick Russell
26. Maggio musicale (1990)
25. Schweitzer (1990) .... Albert Schweitzer
24. Buy & Cell (1989) .... Warden Tennant
23. The Maestro (1989) .... Walter Goldberg
22. Mortacci (1989) .... Edmondo
21. Sunset (1988) .... Alfie Alperin
20. The Caller (1987) .... The Caller
19. Tin Soldiers (1984)
18. Get Crazy (1983) .... Reggie Wanker
17. Cross Creek (1983) .... Max Perkins
16. Blue Thunder (1983) .... Col. F.E. Cochrane
15. Britannia Hospital (1982) .... Mick Travis
14. Cat People (1982) .... Paul Gallier
13. Look Back in Anger (1980) .... Jimmy Porter
12. Time After Time (1979) .... H. G. Wells
11. Caligula (1979) .... Emperor Gaius Germanicus Caesar (Caligula)
10. The Passage (1979) .... Capt. Von Berkow
09. Tigers Are Better Looking (1979)
08. Voyage of the Damned (1976) .... Max Gunter
07. Aces High (1976) .... Maj. John Gresham
06. Royal Flash (1975) .... Captain Harry Flashman
05. O Lucky Man! (1973) .... Michael Arnold Travis/Plantation thief
04. A Clockwork Orange (1971) .... Alex de Large
03. The Raging Moon (1971) .... Bruce Pitchard
02. Figures in a Landscape (1970) .... Ansell
01. Poor Cow (1967) (scenes deleted) .... Billy

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